Monday, May 16, 2011

SplAt! Meeting Summary / Pictures of Plants!

So today we discussed a few major things. First, we just got word that SplAt! will be in the Neptune City Memorial Day Parade which is May 30, 2011! Second, since our garden was tilled there are a lot of sticks, roots, and twigs still in the dirt and we need to get all of them out... so we're looking for people to come help us do that at our next meeting on Monday May 23, 2011! Now here are the pictures of the plants which you all have been waiting for....
String Beans

Flat Beans

Some variety of flowers in our newspaper pots!

Cucumbers in our cool eco-friendly newspaper pots!




Our cool green house
Have a SplAt!-tastic Day!

SplAt! Meeting Today!

The meeting will begin at 4:00 p.m. today at the Neptune City Community Center so don't be late because we have a full agenda! The pictures of all the plants will be posted later tonight around 7:00 p.m. so remember to stop by and check them out here on the SplAt! Magazine Blog!

Have a SplAt!-tastic Day!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

SplAt! Meeting Update!

Remember that the their is SplAt! meeting tomorrow at the Neptune City Community Center. I will also be posting pictures of the plants we grew from seeds, tomorrow!! Big things will be discussed at the meeting like the garden and plenty of other things! Stay updated with us on facebook @ Click Here or stay updated here with us on our blog! Remeber our website will coming soon so remember to stay in the loop! :)

Have a SplAt!-tastic Day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Our garden is ready for planting! Now it's time to put our body's to work and give our minds some peace! :) This means all of the hard work we put into growing our plants from seeds we can now plant them and watch them grow to their full potential! Thank you Neptune City for your help and cooperation! Keep updated with us on Facebook@ Click Here! or keep updated with us here on our Blog! The new Website should be coming soon so there are more great things to look forward too!

Picture of Garden:

Have a SplAt!-tastic Day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

SplAt! Update!

Ground breaking day for our garden should be around this weekend which is amazing! Next week's meeting the members of SplAt! will be planting vegetable and flower seeds in recycled newspaper pots! There is only more warmer weather to come! We are also working on the production of the second edition of SplAt! Magazine! We will keep you informed with all the upcoming events! Keep up with us on Facebook @Click Here!
Have a SplAt!-tastic Day!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SplAt! Garden Update!

We planted tons of seed for our Community Garden!! We will keep you updated about the garden planting day because we will need all the help we can get! The weather is getting warmer so leave us a comment and let us know what you would like to see in the garden! Also, go to our Facebook Page and tell us what you would like to see in the garden @ Click Here. Also remember that Arbor Day will be here Friday!
Have a SplAt!-tastic Day!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Today is EASTER!

The members at SplAt! wish you a wonderful Easter filled with laughter and love! Stay tuned to the SplAt! Magazine blog for updates on the Community Garden, Our soon to come Website, and Upcoming Meetings! 

Monday, April 24, 2011- SplAt! Meeting at the Neptune City Community Center!
Have a SplAt!-tastic Easter!